Stacy (Boehlke) Heikes--Nurse, Mom, Biker and Fiddler

I loved being in high school at FCHS in the 60's, and being in the old building at our 40th reunion just naturally wakens all those memories of the intervening years. Here's my story.

After high school, I went out east to Wellesley College for a couple years, but returned to CO to get my RN degree from CU in 1974. I had met Lloyd Heikes, our classmate, in Orchestra at Lesher Jr High, and we sort of hung out in the same crowd (just as friends) all through high school. But he was very persistent, and convinced me to marry him in 1975. In fact, two of my sisters married guys on the cross country team as well; Patty to Terry Hurley, and Mary to Bill Wierman. There must have been something about those runners...

picture below: 1987

Lloyd and I traveled around a bit after dental school, but after considering lots of locations, settled on Greeley, CO in 1982. We love it here; open, friendly, somewhat diverse, and not as snooty as Fort Collins!

We have 3 precious children. Andrew is 28, and works as an investment analyst for CitiGroup in NYC. He's very social and outgoing, and loves to try new things and meet new people. Katie is 26, and heads the department of Historic Preservation for the City of Pittsburgh. She loves old buildings and wants to save them all; she takes her job very seriously. She's married to Phil, an interpretive ranger for the NPS and a great guy. Thomas is 21, and is in his senior year at CU Boulder, majoring in Architectural Design. He's good at it, but would rather be climbing something. He's quiet and thoughtful.

Isn't it cool how these kids all turn out to be so unique? And in this empty nest, it is especially nice to have Lloyd at my side.

I practiced nursing for quite a few years, and then quit to raise kids. But 12 years ago, I joined Lloyd in starting up his private practice, after many years working in a public health setting. So now I manage the office and try hard not to tell him what to do (too much). It's surprisingly satisfying work, and I know more about teeth that I ever thought I needed to.

I love to sing, to ride my road bike, to read, to play competitive volleyball (at 5'3", I don't block much). And in the last 5 years, I've gotten serious about fiddling, and I am hooked! Thank you, Mr. McNeal, for encouraging that violin playing way back in junior high. And I get to break in every one of Lloyd's violins as he finishes another one. I'm even in a little band that plays gigs every now and then. Just goes to show it's never to late to try something new.

Back just out of high school, I thought I had things pretty well figured out, but now after all these years, I've realized that I really don't have any big answers. Just when we think we understand it, life changes again. Two years ago, my sweet sister Mary died very suddenly of a cerebral aneurysm. She's gone, and we miss her dearly. We never get to know what is up ahead for us; we just get to know today. I guess what it comes down to for me is to just try to live life fully, wholeheartedly, with kindness; to try to keep my mind open to new ideas, and my eyes open so that I can really SEE the gifts that surround me daily. I think my life work is gratitude.

Climbing the Tower at last....40 years after high school!

It was such a treat to get reacquainted with some of our classmates at the reunion. And after having reached the pinnacle (literally) of my Lambkin life this summer, in the tower, it's hard to imagine how I could possibly top that. But I guess we'll just have to wait for our 50th to find out. See you there!

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