Gail (Burton) Purath--a Nomadic Lifestyle

If you could sum up my life in one word, it might be “nomadic.” I lived in twenty-one locations in six states before my family moved to Ft. Collins in 1964. But my itinerant lifestyle didn’t end there—my husband made sure of that…

I met my husband and best friend, Michael Purath (a '68 Poudre grad) when I was 16 and we both were working at Kings Food Host. We were married in 1970, and in 1972 he took a semester off from college and was drafted! Thus began his military career and my continuing nomadic lifestyle.

For the next 22 years we picked up and laid down roots over twenty times (in nine states and Germany), averaging a different home every 20 months. Our son Kipp was born at Ft. Sill, OK in 1973 and our daughter Nicole was born two years later at Ft. Knox, KY.

In 1974, I realized that something important was missing in my life. As I searched for answers, I was overwhelmed by the love of Christ. I know that "Bible-believing Christian" means different things to different people, and I’m shocked by some of the negative things done in that name. But I guess it still is the best way to describe me because I know I don't have all the answers but I believe the Bible does.

After 22 years in the Army, Michael retired as a LTC, but our transient lifestyle still didn't end. Since that time we’ve done short term mission trips to Turkey, Bulgaria, the Bahamas and Peru, worked for a couple of years at a church in Ft. Collins, and earned our masters degrees from a seminary in SC. It was fun to go to school after the age of 50. We lived part of the time in a single-wide mobile home near campus, and I mentored young college and seminary women which was really a great experience.

In 2005, we moved to Budapest, Hungary where we did Christian work until June 2009 when we returned to the States (10 days before the 40 year reunion). We aren’t sure if we’ll be going back to Hungary in the future (we already miss it), but we feel like we are supposed to be in the States for awhile.

Our son Kipp is married, has two little boys and is a pastor in VA. Our daughter Nicole is the wife of a mechanical engineer and the mother of three little girls and a little boy. Her family lives 5 minutes from our present location in NC.

My favorite things include doing just about anything with my husband, hanging out with our grandchildren (ages 7, 5, 3, 2 months, 10 months), refinishing old trunks, writing, studying the Bible, shopping for bargains, eating out, and doing things with women friends. I've written and developed curriculum for ministry purposes for many years, and I maintain several blogs, one for our church, a couple of travel blogs, and a family blog. 
I love to travel and I am especially intrigued by Eastern Europe. It was so interesting to connect with Branka at the reunion and find out she comes from one of my favorite countries to visit--Croatia.
Well, that’s my story in a nutshell. Now please send in your bio, so I can hear your story!

This post updated 4-2010

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