Fort Collins High School--Now the CSU Center for the Arts

The beautiful old brick building we once called our alma mater has taken on a transformation. Originally built in 1926, it finally closed its doors as a high school in 1995. But instead of being torn down or crumbling into ruin, it was purchased by CSU. After $45 million renovations and additions, it was opened as the CSU Center for the Performing Arts in 2007.

The contractor who did the work said it was one of the most complex projects he'd done. CSU wanted to salvage as much of the original materials as possible, and they used the original seating in the theater, hardwood flooring from the gym, some stair banisters and linoleum flooring, as well as tons of other building materials. One of the girl's bathrooms remains the same as when we walked the halls of FCHS--same green tile.

It was a bit sad to tour the facility at the 40 year reunion and realize that our high school is, in some ways, gone forever. But in other ways, CSU's use of the building allows it's beauty and some of our memories to live on.

Picture to right: Andy Warhol Tomato Soup art now stands in front of the old FCHS building.

If you'd like to read more about the remodeling of the old Fort Collins High School, go to the site below.

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