Our First Biography--Thanks, Leslie! Leslie Modrick Glenn--Financial Planner, Mother of Two

Well, after some reflection I figured out the only reunion I attended was the 10-year one in 1979. I’ve lived in Overland Park, Kansas since 1982. In 1983 I married a widower with a 10-year-old daughter, and in 1989, after 3 miscarriages, had another daughter. The older daughter, Chaundra, teaches French in the Chicago public schools in an inner city school. She’s done that for about 7 years now.

Picture to right: Chaundra

The younger daughter, Abby, is a junior at Drury University in Springfield, Missouri majoring in arts administration with minors in voice and theatre. She dropped violin after her freshman year because she was just spread too thin. I guess with my having taught French and Spanish for 5 years, and continuing to play the flute all through college, you could say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, huh?

Picture to left: Abby

My husband Ted retired in May 2008 from 42 years of teaching psychology and coaching track in the Shawnee Mission schools, the same high school both daughters attended. After 5 years of teaching, I left the profession and got into the investment business by pure chance. In 2001 I had been working at one particular job for a lunatic for about 17 years in one of those “golden handcuff” kinds of jobs, making excellent money but under a great deal of stress all the time. I was crunching numbers doing performance reports for a number of foundations and pension plans. It was challenging and interesting work, but I really wanted to get out of there. One of my college roommates died of an aggressive form of breast cancer on Labor Day weekend; then the Twin Towers got hit on Sept. 11; so that was it for me. I gave notice on Jan. 2 and was out of there. I didn’t work at all for several months. Meanwhile, a friend was starting his own financial planning firm, and spent a year trying to talk me into working for him. After a year I finally said yes, but I only work there half time. It’s an excellent firm.

So, otherwise? Ted and I are active members in our Unitarian Universalist church. We were thrilled Obama was elected and are hoping for health care reform. I would love to quit working so I can pursue all my needlework hobby interests. I added quilting to the mix several years ago and bought a quilting machine two years ago. We are both avid readers. Abby’s school is a 2 ½-hour drive away, so we make periodic trips to see her perform in plays and concerts. Otherwise, we enjoy the empty nesting and have two beagles who require their share of attention.

Leslie Modrick Glenn


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